The biggest event on the boating front was the arrival and prolonged stay of the red tide which had many a person intrigued. It is well known that the red tide affects our filter feeders the most (i.e., oysters etc.), however, its impact on the eating patterns of fish is less well known. For that reason a number of anglers during this last month subsequently had to make the call: “Do I stay (on land) or do I go (out to sea)”.
Those who stayed on land spent their time talking about how good the Mossel Bay fishing was ‘back in the day’, while those who went to sea could at least stretch their sea-legs. These individuals went in search for the blue water that was just around the ‘proverbial’ corner.
The real dilemma for fishermen around the Mossel Bay area is that you can never be certain in these waters of ours. Going out to sea and returning with a full quota of cob is more often than not talked about in a fairytale like manner than actually witnessed. And now we are seeing more and more anglers teaming up and taking a road trip to those places that are producing fish.
If you have any news regarding fishing events or good catches send them through to the club (and add a few pictures). We would love to hear these stories and also share the pictures with the rest of our members that are not as fortunate as us to stay in the area.
The boating section has one competition remaining before we go into our winter lull. In next month’s report I’ll report on this competition which is scheduled for the 29th of March.
Kind regards
Dr Ewald Crause
Rear Commodore Boating