HPC development , the morning exercise group
The recreational paddlers paddle currently at least three mornings every week at 06:00. I have a broken wrist, but should be going by May , then we will have a trip every week morning at 06:00 I am also keen if there is interest to do a 05:00 trip , its only during December light at that time , the rest of the year it could be a bit unnerving to paddle in the dark. We normally paddle 6km on a trip. Any one is welcome to join us, its free, even non MBYBC members do not have to pay. We have a few sea kayaks owned by members, that we use for this morning exercise group paddling.
Recreational paddling trips
We have in the last year paddle up Keurboomsriver in Plett, to the overnight hut. The Gouritzriver in flood from Herbertsdale to Gouritz, Buffelsbaai , via the Heads to Knysna We do full moon paddles to skurwe bankies, where we leave our kayaks , visit Delphinos before paddling back in a full moon over the sea. Lennis are planning a Kannon Mossel Bay tour.