Conditions were once again not marvellous, however from the development side, we started swimming at Santos. This is a bit of a challenge, as it is so different for our pupils compared to swimming in a pool. We will be stopping the lessons from now until the end of the festive season.
I attended two Community Partnership meetings re human conflict with sharks. Please see attachment. This is a very positive action by the community. What was agreed by all is that at some stage there will be a shark attack in the Mossel Bay area and that this group would like to save lives, by being prepared for this eventually. The outcome of this meeting was that a committee was formed to come up with suggestions and actions to formulate a plan. I am on this committee with Elfie Holden.
At the second meeting which was held on the 1 Novemberr I told the committee, that I will be going back to our MBYBC Committee to suggest that we keep a Shark Attack Kit on the Club Premises and that I would like at least 2 of our MBYBC members to be trained by whoever Committee chooses to handle a shark attack. In my humble opinion this would be very proactive.
We held a Dive Section Meeting on the 18th November 2015. At the meeting a suggestion was put forward that we approach the Main Committee for assistance to open up the Hamilton Reef, next to the wash bay area. This will be such an asset for the Club, we can teach our youngsters to snorkel & would be wonderful for scuba training.
The only diving that took place was done by Gerrit Dekker who had the good fortune to go and do some great diving at Sito Island in Mozambique.
At the conclusion of the meeting we wished Ian Hamilton a speedy recovery with his knee replacement.
Milke Keet
Rear Commodore Diving